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Internet Research Taskforce (IRTF)

"The IRTF is managed by the IRTF Chair in consultation with the Internet Research Steering Group (IRSG). The IRSG membership includes the IRTF Chair, the chairs of the various Research Group and possibly other individuals ("members at large") from the research community.

The IRTF Chair is appointed by the Internet Architecture Board (IAB), the Research Group chairs are appointed as part of the formation of Research Groups and the IRSG members at large are chosen by the IRTF Chair in consultation with the rest of the IRSG and on approval of the IAB. In addition to managing the Research Groups, the IRSG may from time to time hold topical workshops focusing on research areas of importance to the evolution of the Internet, or more general workshops to, for example, discuss research priorities from an Internet perspective. The IRTF Research Groups guidelines and procedures are described more fully in RFC 2014 (BCP 8)." (Zitat von den Seiten der IRTF).


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